Totally AMOS
Totally AMOS - Issue 1 (1991-11)(Tucker, Len - Tucker, Anne).adf
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^1[5By JAG of FANATIX.[0
^1 Well, well, well...
^2 We received a letter a while ago from Len and Anne Tucker asking us
^2to do an article on how to put a demo together. It was no easy task,
^2but here is our attempt...
^5 Once you have got your Amiga ready, and bought a copy of AMOS (an
^5original copy), you are ready to begin.
^7 First, you need an idea of what you want to happen in the demo -
^7what effects you want to incorporate etc. If you don't have any
^7ideas, then there are 3 things to try.
^1 1. Look through any assembly demos you have. See if there are any
^1effects or ideas you like that could be emulated by AMOS in some way.
^1Look carefully, seemingly difficult effects can be achieved very
^1simply if you think about it!
^2 2. This is a favourite of mine. Load up DPaint, and mess about
^2with it for a while. This is how I got the idea for the spotlight
^2effect in our Blue demo from Megademo 5 (hype, plug).
^5 3. Look through your program disks to see if you have any
^5interesting routines that haven't been used yet. They can be
^5sellotaped together to make good demos.
^7 Right, now you have your ideas, so it is time to work out how to
^7put them into AMOS (if necessary). Take time, there is usually a way
^7round things. Stars, for example, can be done in a few different
^1 - Plot them on a double buffered screen. Blank the image at the
^1back, redraw it, then switch the screens. This will avoid people
^1seeing the stars being erased and updated. Unfortunately, this
^1method is messy and slow anyway!
^2 - Bobs. This is a bad idea too if you want smooth stars. Use too
^2many and they will begin to jerk. But if you slow down the updates
^2(UPDATE EVERY n), they will judder. Not so good.
^5 - Sprites. These are a good idea if you want a multi level
^5parallax starfield that doesn't require double buffering and doesn't
^5interfere with the screen it is on. Try to move them totally
^5independantly with AMAL, and remember to use the SYNCHRO commands if
^5you use more than 16. Also, remember the restrictions of width and
^5heights imposed by sprites. If you get this wrong, processor time
^5will be wasted on sprites that won't appear properly, if at all!
^7 - Colour cycling. Very useful because they use hardly any
^7processor time at all. Unfortunately, they tie up many colour
^7registers, and too few colours can mean a starfield that looks like a
^7plot pattern, or goes too fast! You should draw them with DPaint, or
^7write a routine to do it from AMOS. On the other hand, you could get
^7hold of the Fanatix Starfield Maker V1.0 when it is finished (before
^7Christmas I hope).
^1 To get the idea of how colour cycled stars work, draw a line with
^1a pixel of each colour in the palette, and change all but one of the
^1colours to black. Now cycle the screen.
^2 Once you have worked out how the effects will be done, write the
^2seperate routines to run them. This can be tricky, but should not be
^2too taxing if you have thought out the problems properly. Make the
^2routines as either procedures, or bits you can GOSUB to.
^5 So, now you have the seperate routines for the effects in your
^5demo, and it is time to put them together.
^7 The best thing to do is to try and create a basic version of an
^7interrupt system for your routines. Put them after the main loop as
^7the procedures, or the GOSUB loops. Take all the WAIT VBL's you may
^7have used out of the routines and do your main loop. Then put 1 WAIT
^7VBL at the end of your main loop, remembering that colour cycling
^7should start before the loop is reached. Here is an example of all
^7this for a demo with a scrolling message and some VU bars:
^6 Shift Up 1,1,31,1 - Start colour cycling if used
^6 Do
^6 Gosub VUS
^6 Gosub MESSAGE
^6 Wait Vbl - This should be the ONLY one!
^6 If Mouse Key=1 Then Goto DIE - Check for mouse click to end Loop demo.
^6 VUS:
^6 ........... - Put the VU bar routine here.
^6 ...........
^6 ...........
^6 Return
^6 ........... - Put the message scrolling
^6 ........... routine here.
^6 ...........
^6 Return
^6 DIE:
^6 ........... - Close down demo, fade music etc....
^1 Yes, I know it is bad programming practice to use GOSUBs rather
^1than Procedures, but I prefer to have global variables as standard,
^1it can also save you from a full variable buffer. Sure, you can
^1increase the size, but that leaves you with less memory, and if there
^1is a problem with the program, it could keep filling up regardless!!
^2 And now for some hints and tips for putting your demos together.
^5 - Always use a smaller amount of colours if some are not being
^5used. A 16 colour screen is updated faster than a 32 colour one!
^5N.B. This does not really matter if the screen concerned is only
^5used for colour cycling of static GFX etc.
^7 - Instead of storing fonts on a seperate screen behind the others
^7and using SCREEN COPY (as in the Sentinel scrollcode supplied with
^7AMOS), cut out the font beforehand, and store the individual letters
^7in a sprite bank, according to their ASCII values. E.g. Store the
^7letter A as image 65. You can then use the following line to get the
^7right number for a character from your scroll string. E.g.--
^2 B=Asc(Mid$(T$,CH,1))
^1 Where T$ contains your message, CH is the position in the string,
^1and B will be the number of the sprite image you require. You can
^1then use Paste Bob x,y,B to place the letter.
^2 - Always remember to specify which screen the routine you are
^2running refers to. On a SCROLL based routine, if you forget to set
^2the current screen to the right one, strange things can, and will,
^2happen. When I used to use the SCROLL method for moving messages,
^2the logo once went zooming along the screen at Mach 3, only to be
^2replaced by corrupt letters using the wrong palette!!!
^5 - Try to optimise your routines as far as possible. Take, for
^5example, this routine to move a number between 0 and 360 at any step
^7 Add X,XI : If X>360 Then Add X,-360
^1 This is much faster than using If - Then statements a lot, and is
^1much more accurate if you want to get Sine values. Degrees run from
^11 - 360, and if the routine uses the wrong number after reaching 360,
^1you may get a jerk in movement!! Don't worry if you don't understand
^1all this.
^2 - Which reminds me, remember to specify Degrees if you are going to
^2use Sine functions etc. AMOS uses Radians (avoid!!) as default.
^5 - If you are intending to use any trigonometry functions, to save
^5disk swapping later on, type in:
^7A=Sin (40)
^1 The number is not important, but the line will cause AMOS to load
^1in the maths libraries.
^2 - When you are using a Dual Playfield, before using the command use
^2a Wait Vbl, or the display may get corrupted. Also, use the Screen
^2Display command if needed BEFORE you DUAL PLAYFIELD, or again, you
^2will get a corrupted display! Which leads me to the worst of the
^2Dual Playfield problems: THE 16 PIXEL JERK as I like to call it. I
^2don't know if this will happen to other people, but it plagues me.
^2If you are using SCREEN OFFSET on a Dual Playfield screen, at certain
^2values the the playfield you are not moving jerks 16 pixels across,
^2and back again when you go to another value. Mess around a bit and
^2you can identify the problem values and avoid them. Luckily, they
^2are at even intervals (16, or 12 I think), so you can plan ahead, and
^2use step increases of the offset to avoid them.
^5 Using even numbers to increase when you start from 1 is the way to
^5avoid the jerk.
^7 Right now, you should have enough help to get started with decent
^7demos now, so I hope to see more demo groups appearing in the future,
^7and I hope this article was of some use to you!!
^3JAG from FANATIX in 1991.
^4 P.S. Feel free to contact us at:
^4 Fanatix
^4 29 Cambridge Road
^4 Huntingdon
^4 Cambs
^4 PE18 8BT.
^4 Or you can phone (0480) 411568, but there is no guarantee that I
^4won't just put the phone straight back on the hook. I am a busy
^4person at the moment! You could phone Chaos, but he would probably
^4just laugh at you...
^4 And I don't feel like giving his phone number away. He is only the
^4GFX'er anyway!
^1 P.P.S. Buy our demos, Megademo 6 should be released sooner or
^1later, and you will be able to identify some of the techniques I have
^1revealed here.
^2 P.P.P.S. Greets so Cybornetics, The Beholder, Sandra Sharkey, Len
^2and Anne Tucker, Francois Lionet (Please fix the Dual Playfield)
^6 P.P.P.P.S. We are looking for a GOOD musician, if you think you
^6fit the bill, and would like to join us, then send some examples of
^6your work to the above address...